- Biographies A-Z
- Biographies A-Z
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Cabarrus, Stephen
Cabe, John
Cain, William
Cairns, John Simpson
Caldwell, Charles
Caldwell, David Franklin
Caldwell, David Franklin
Caldwell, Greene Washington
Caldwell, Joseph
Caldwell, Joseph Pearson
Caldwell, Tod Robinson
Caldwell, Tod Robinson (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Caldwell, Wallace Everett
Callis, John Benton
Calloway, James
Cambreleng, Churchill Caldom
Cameron, Alexander
Cameron, Duncan
Cameron, John Adams
Camp, Cordelia
Campbell, Arthur Carlyle
Campbell, Farquhard
Campbell, James
Campbell, James Archibald
Campbell, John
Campbell, John Charles
Campbell, Leslie Hartwell
Campbell, Olive Dame
Campbell, Robert Fishburne
Campbell, Samuel
Cannady, Mary: At Dr. King's House
Cannon, Charles Albert
Cannon, James William
Cannon, James, III
Cannon, Joseph Gurney
Cannon, Newton
Cannon, Ruth Louise Coltrane
Cantrell, John Roland
Carawan, George Washington
Card, Wilbur Wade
Carlyle, Frank Ertel
Carlyle, Irving Edward
Carlyle, John Bethune
Carlyle, John Bethune, Jr.
Carmichael, William Donald, Jr.
Carmichael, William Donald, Sr.
Carney, Stephen Wright
Carr, Elias
Carr, Elias (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Carr, James Ozborn
Carr, Julian S.
Carr, William Eleanor Kearny
Carraway, Gertrude Sprague
Carrick, John Lee
Carrington, George Lunsford
Carroll, Dudley Dewitt
Carson, Samuel Price
Carter, David Miller
Carter, Dorcas E.: The Great Fire Of '22
Carter, Francis Graves
Carter, Isaac
Carter, John
Carter, Landon
Carteret (Cartrett, Cartwright), Peter
Carteret, Peter
Cartwright, Andrew
Caruthers, Eli Washington
Cary, Thomas
Cary, Thomas
Cash, Wilbur Joseph
Caswell, Benjamin
Caswell, Martin
Caswell, Richard
Caswell, Richard
Caswell, Richard (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Caswell, William
Catchmaid (Catchmaie, Catchmeyd, Ketchmaid), George
Cates, Charles Fletcher
Catesby, Mark
Cathcart, William
Cathey, George Leonidas
Caudle, Theron Lamar
Chadbourn, James Harmon
Chaloner, John Armstrong
Chamberlain, G. Hope Summerell
Chamberlain, Joseph Redington
Chambers, Lenoir
Chambers, Maxwell
Chance, William Claudius, Sr.
Chancy (Chancey, Chansy), Edmund (Edmond)
Chapman, Robert Hett
Chappell, Fred
Charles, Lucile Marie Hoerr
Charlotte Hawkins Brown: singing her own song
Chase, Harry Woodburn
Chatham, Alexander
Chatham, Hugh Gwyn
Chatham, Richard Thurmond
Chavis, John
Cheatham, Henry Plummer
Cherry, Annie Moore
Cherry, David King
Cherry, Joseph Blount
Cherry, Mildred Stafford
Cherry, Robert Gregg
Cherry, Robert Gregg (from Resesarch Branch, NC OA&H)
Cherry, William Walton
Cheshire, Joseph Blount
Cheshire, Joseph Blount, Jr.
Chesnutt, Charles Waddell
Chevin, Nathaniel
Child, Francis
Child, Thomas
Chipman, Luzene Stanley
Christianson, Lennie: Alligator River Life
Christmas, William
Chronicle, William
Churton, William
Churton, William
Clark, Charles Cauthen
Clark, David
Clark, Elmer Talmage
Clark, Henry Selby
Clark, Henry Toole
Clark, Henry Toole (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Clark, James West
Clark, Jerome Bayard
Clark, John
Clark, John Washington
Clark, Thomas
Clark, Thorne McKenzie
Clark, Walter
Clarke, Elijah
Clarke, Francis Devereux
Clarke, Mary Bayard Devereux
Clarke, William John
Clarkson, [Robert] Heriot
Clary, John
Claxton, Philander Priestley
Cleveland, Benjamin
Clewell, John Henry
Clinch, Duncan Lamont
Clinch, Joseph John, Jr.
Clingman, Thomas Lanier
Clinton, George
Clinton, Richard
Clitherall, James
Clodfelter (Gladfelder), Jesse
Clopton, Abner Wentworth
Cobb, Beatrice
Cobb, Clinton Levering
Cobb, Collier
Cobb, Howell
Cobb, John Blackwell
Cobb, Lucy Maria
Cobb, Needham Bryan
Cochran, James
Cocke, Norman Atwater
Coffin, Addison
Coffin, Levi
Coffin, Oscar Jackson
Cogdell, Richard
Coke, Octavius
Coker, Robert Ervin
Coker, William Chambers
Colburn, Burnham Standish
Cole, Stephen William
Cole, Willard Glover
Coleman, Mary Channing
Coleman, Thaddeus Charles
Coleman, Warren Clay
Coley, Henry
Collet (Collett), John Abraham
Collins (Collens, Collings), William
Collins II, Josiah
Collins, Josiah, III
Collins, Josiah, Sr.
Collins, Mordecai
Colonel James Johnston
Colson, Marta: Ilila's Beauty Shop
Colton, Elizabeth Avery
Colton, Henry Elliott
Colton, Simeon
Coltrain, Velma: The Wind Was Howling
Coltrane, Daniel Branson
Coltrane, John William
Comberford, Nicholas
Compton, Betty Baines
Cone, Cesar
Cone, Laura Weil
Cone, Laura Weill
Cone, Moses Herman
Conigland, Edward
Connecorte (Old Hop)
Conner, Andrew Jackson
Connor, George Whitfield
Connor, Henry Groves
Connor, Henry William
Connor, Robert Digges Wimberly
Cook, Charles Alston
Cook, James P.
Cook, Staley Albright
Cooke, Charles Mather
Cooke, James Wallace
Cooke, John Rogers
Cooke, William Dewey
Cooley, Harold Dunbar
Coon, Charles Lee
Cooper, Anna Julia
Cooper, Anna Julia Haywood
Cooper, Anthony Ashley (First Earl of Shaftesbury)
Cooper, David Young
Cooper, John Downey
Coor, James
Copeland, John Anthony: Tar Heels at Harper's Ferry, October 16-18, 1859
Copeland, Oliver Perry
Coppridge, William Maurice
Corbin, Francis
Corbitt, David Leroy
Corbitt, Richard Johnson
Cordon, Norman
Cornell, Samuel
Cosby, Dabney
Cotten, Bruce
Cotten, Elizabeth Brownrigg Henderson
Cotten, Elizabeth Nevills
Cotten, Lyman Atkinson
Cotten, Robert Randolph
Cotten, Sallie Swepson Sims Southall
Cotton, James
Council, Arthur
Council, Carl C. [Carlyle Ceasar]
Council, Commodore Thomas, Sr.
Council, John Pickett
Coupee, Francis
Courts, Daniel William
Coutanche, Michael
Covington, Bucky
Cowles, Calvin Josiah
Cowles, Charles Holden
Cowles, Henry Clay
Cowles, Josiah
Cowles, William Henry Harrison
Cox, Albert Lyman
Cox, Amos
Cox, Francis Augustus
Cox, Gertrude Mary
Cox, Jonathan Elwood
Cox, Joseph John
Cox, William Ruffin
Coxe, Franklin
Craig, Annie D.M. Burgin
Craig, David Irvin
Craig, Locke
Craig, Locke (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Craige, Francis Burton
Craige, Kerr
Craighead, Alexander
Cramer, Stuart Warren
Craven, Braxton
Craven, James
Crawford (Crafford), William
Crawford, Emma: A Good Life
Crawford, Leonidas Wakefield
Crawford, William Thomas
Cray, William, Sr.
Creech, Oscar, Jr.
Creecy, Richard Benbury
Creecy, William Spencer
Creekmore, Vernon Lee: In Old Currituck
Crisp, Lucy Cherry
Crittenden, Charles Christopher
Croom, Hardy Bryan
Croom, William
Cross, Tom Peete
Crossan, Thomas Morrow
Crowell, John
Crowell, John Franklin
Cruden, John, Jr.
Crudup, Josiah
Cruikshank, Margaret Mordecai Jones
Crump, Earl Alexander
Cullen, Thomas
Cullom, Willis Richard
Culpeper, Frances
Culpeper, John
Culpepper (Culpeper), John
Cuming, Sir Alexander
Cumming, William
Cunningham, John Wilson
Cupples, Charles
Curtis, Moses Ashley
Cutten, George Barton