- Biographies A-Z
- Biographies A-Z
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J. Cole
Jack, James
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Andrew
Jackson, Della Hayden Raney
Jackson, Herbert Worth
Jackson, Mary Anna Morrison
Jackson, Walter Clinton
Jacobs, Harriet
Jacobs, Harriet Ann
Jacobs, Priscilla Freeman (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)
Jacobson, John Christian
Jacocks, William Picard
James, Hinton
James, Hinton
James, Horace
Jarrell, Benjamin Franklin
Jarrell, Randall
Jarrell, Thomas Jefferson
Jarrell, Tommy
Jarvis, Thomas
Jarvis, Thomas
Jarvis, Thomas Jordan
Jarvis, Thomas Jordan (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Jay, Allen
Jeffress, Edwin Bedford, Sr.
Jeffreys, George Washington
Jenings (or Jennings), William
Jenkins, Ammie: Where The Cool Waters Run In Her Memory
Jenkins, David Aaron
Jenkins, James Lineberry
Jenkins, John
Jenkins, John
Jennett, Norman Ethre
Jenoure, Joseph (or James)
Jerkins, Alonzo Thomas
Jerman, Cornelia Petty
Jernigan, Thomas Roberts
Jessup, Ann Matthews
Jocher, Katharine
Joel, Lawrence
John Chavis: Pioneering Teacher & Preacher
John Mertz and Mariah Elizabeth Nail Mertz: Circus Performers
Johnson Jr., Henry Vanderbilt: The Engelhard Cafe
Johnson, Amos Neill
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Andrew
Johnson, Ann Swepson Boyd Hawkins Russell
Johnson, Ann: This Woman's War
Johnson, Archibald
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Charles Earl
Johnson, Charles Marion
Johnson, Clifton
Johnson, Edward Austin
Johnson, Gerald White
Johnson, Herschel Vespasian
Johnson, James
Johnson, Jane Claudia Saunders
Johnson, Janie Settles
Johnson, Jeff. Deems
Johnson, Joe: Denim Days In Erwin
Johnson, John Lewis
Johnson, Kate Ancrum Burr
Johnson, Livingston
Johnson, Norman Huff
Johnson, Robert Grady
Johnson, Thor Martin
Johnson, William Ransom
Johnson, Wingate Memory
Johnston, Elizabeth Johnston Evans
Johnston, Gabriel
Johnston, Gabriel (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Johnston, George Doherty
Johnston, Gordon
Johnston, James Cathcart
Johnston, Jonas
Johnston, Joseph Forney
Johnston, Lancelot
Johnston, Robert Daniel
Johnston, Rufus Zenas
Johnston, Samuel
Johnston, Samuel
Johnston, Samuel Iredell
Johnston, Thomas Dillard
Johnston, Thomas Pinkney
Johnston, William
Johnston, William
Jonas, Charles Andrew
Jones, Alexander
Jones, Alexander Hamilton
Jones, Alice Eley: Herring Fish
Jones, Allen
Jones, Andrew Jackson
Jones, Aquilla
Jones, Armistead
Jones, Cadwallader
Jones, Calvin
Jones, Edmund
Jones, Edward
Jones, Frederick
Jones, Hamilton Chamberlain
Jones, Hamilton Chamberlain, Jr.
Jones, James Addison
Jones, Jesse Weimar
Jones, John
Jones, Johnston Blakeley
Jones, Joseph Seawell
Jones, Marvin Tupper: Pleasant Plains
Jones, Marvin: Making a Day
Jones, Nellie Rowe (Mrs. William Cecil)
Jones, Pembroke
Jones, Richard
Jones, Robert ("Robin"), Jr.
Jones, Robert Elijah
Jones, Roland
Jones, Thomas
Jones, Thomas H.
Jones, Thomas Laurens
Jones, Thomas McKissick
Jones, William Branch
Jones, William Henry
Jones, Willie
Jordan, Benjamin Everett
Jordan, Daniel William
Jordan, Gerald Ray
Jordan, Michael
Jordan, Michael
Jordan, Pleasant
Jordan, Stroud
Joseph Gales, Sr.
Joyner, Andrew
Joyner, Edmund Noah
Joyner, James Yadkin
Justice, Amos Isaac
Justice, Charlie "Choo Choo"
Justice, Edwin (or Edward) Judson
Justice, Michael Hoke