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- Biographies A-Z
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Mabley, Jackie (Moms)
Macay, Spruce
MacDonald, Allan
MacDonald, Donald
MacDonald, Flora
MacDonald, Flora
MacDowell, John
MacKinney, Loren Carey
Macknight, Thomas
Maclaine, Archibald
MacLean, Angus Dhu
Maclean, William
MacLeod, Martha: The Highland Scots
MacNair, Ralph
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
MacNeill, Janet Smith (Jennie Bahn)
MacNider, William de Berniere
Macon, Nathaniel
Macon, Nathaniel (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)
MacRae, Elizabeth Ann
MacRae, Hugh
MacRae, James Cameron
MacRae, John
MacRae, William
MacWhorter, Alexander
Maddock, Joseph
Maddry, Charles Edward
Madison, Dolley
Madison, Dolley Payne Todd
Madison, Robert Lee
Maffitt, John Newland
Mahan, Frank Hoyt
Mahler, [Gerhard] Henry
Mainer, James Emmitt
Mallett, Charles Beatty
Mallett, Charles Peter
Mallett, Peter, Jr.
Mallett, William Peter
Maney, Thomas
Mangum, Adolphus Williamson
Mangum, Priestley Hinton, Jr.
Mangum, Willie Person
Mangum, Willie Person, Jr.
Manly, Alex
Manly, Alex
Manly, Basil
Manly, Charles
Manly, Charles (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Manly, Matthias Evans
Mann, Thomas Nicholson
Manning, Isaac Hall
Manning, James Smith
Manning, John
Manning, John Hall
Manning, John, Jr.
Manning, Thomas Courtland
Manning, Vannoy Hartrog
Manson, Otis Frederick
Marchant, Frederick (Frank)
Mare, John
Marks, Sallie Belle
Marling, Jacob
Marsden, Richard
Marsden, Rufus
Marsh, Robert Henry
Marshall, Frederic William
Marshall, Matthias Murray
Martin, Alexander
Martin, Alexander (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Martin, Charles Henry
Martin, Dorothy Ann McAulay
Martin, François-Xavier
Martin, James
Martin, James Green
Martin, James Grubbs (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Martin, John Sanford
Martin, Joseph
Martin, Joseph John
Martin, Josiah
Martin, Josiah
Martin, Robert, Jr.
Martin, William Joseph
Martin, William Joseph, Jr.
Masa, George
Mason, Mary Ann Bryan
Mason, Richard Sharpe
Mason, Thomas Williams
Massey, Wilbur Fisk
Massey, Zachary David
Maule, William
Maxwell, Allen Jay
May, Benjamin
Maynard, Belvin (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)
McAden, Hugh
McAden, Rufus Yancey
McAlister, Alexander Worth
McArthur, Neil
McAuslan, Alexander
McBee, Silas
McBee, Vardry
McBee, Vardry Alexander
McBrayer, Louis Burgin
McBryde, Archibald
McCain, Hugh White
McCain, Paul Pressly
McCall, Adeline Denham
McCall, Frederick Bays
McCallum, James
McClammy, Charles Washington
McClure, Albert Bonner
McClure, Alexander Doak
McClure, James Gore King, Jr.
McConnell, James Rogers
McCorkle, Samuel Eusebius
McCorkle, Sarah Tallulah (Lutie) Andrews
McCorkle, William Parsons
McCoy, Eddie: Write-Off Kids
McCoy, Millie-Christine [McKoy]
McCrary, Doctor Bulla
McCreery, Scotty
McCulloch, Alexander
McCulloch, Henry
McCulloch, Joseph Flavius
McCulloh, Henry
McCulloh, Henry Eustace
McDaniel, James
McDonald, Angus Morris (Monk)
Mcdonald, John: This Old Drugstore
McDonald, Ralph Waldo
McDougald, Archibald
McDougald, Samuel
McDougall, William
McDowell, Adell: A Frightful Time
McDowell, Archibald
McDowell, Charles
McDowell, Joseph
McDowell, Joseph
McDowell, Joseph Jefferson
McDowell, Silas
McDowell, Thomas David Smith
McDowell, William Wallis
McElwee, John Harvey
McFarland (or McFarlane, McFarlan), Duncan
McGeachy, Neill Roderick
McGehee, Lucius Polk
McGehee, Montford
McGilvary, Daniel
McGirt, James Ephraim
McGready, James
McGuire (or McGwire), Thomas
McInnes, Miles
McIver, Alexander
McIver, Charles Duncan
McIver, Colin
McIver, George Willcox
McIver, Lula Verlinda Martin
McKay, James Iver
McKay, Neill
McKee, Gertrude Dills
McKee, James
McKee, William Henry
McKelway, Alexander Jeffrey
McKelway, Benjamin Mosby
McKenna, Richard Milton
McKethan, Alfred Augustus
McKevlin, Anthony John
McKimmon, Jane (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)
McKimmon, Jane Simpson
McKinne, Richard
McKnight, Colbert Augustus (Pete)
McKoy, Allmand Alexander
McKoy, Millie-Christine
McLane, James Woods
McLean, Angus Wilton
McLean, Angus Wilton (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
McLean, David Alexander
McLean, Hector
McLean, Hector
McLean, James Augustus
McLean, James Robert
McLean, John
McLean, Malcolm
McLean, Margaret Jones French
McLendon, Lennox Polk
McMillan, Alexander
McMillan, Hamilton
McMillan, John Archibald
McMullan, Harry, Sr.
McMullan, Thomas Shelton
McNair, Evander
McNair, John Calvin
McNairy, John
McNeill, Archibald
McNeill, Daniel
McNeill, James Hipkins
McNeill, John Charles
McNeill, John Sr.: A Dream World
McNeill, William Gibbs
McNinch, Frank Ramsay
McPheeters, Samuel Brown
McPheeters, William
McQueen, Hugh
McQueen, John
McRae, Colin John
McRae, Duncan Kirkland
McRae, John Jones
McRee, Griffith John
McRee, James Fergus
McRee, William
McVea, Emilie Watts
Means, Alexander
Means, Gaston Bullock
Means, Paul Barringer
Meares, Oliver Pendleton
Meares, William Belvidere
Meares, William Belvidere, II
Mearns, William Skipwith
Mebane, Alexander
Mebane, Benjamin Franklin
Mebane, Benjamin Franklin, Jr.
Mebane, Charles Harden
Mebane, George Allen
Mebane, Giles
Mebane, James
Medici, Cosimo de
Meekins, Daniel Victor
Meekins, Isaac Melson
Melbourn, Julius
Mellyne, Robert
Memminger, Christopher Gustavus
Mendelsohn, Samuel
Mendenhall, Nereus
Mercer, George
Mercer, Jesse
Mercer, William Parker
Merchant (or Marchant), Christopher
Meredith, Hugh
Meredith, Solomon
Meredith, Thomas
Merrick, John
Merrimon, Augustus Summerfield
Merritt, Hiram Houston, Jr.
Meserve, Charles Francis
Metcalf, Zeno Payne
Metts, John Van Bokkelen
Mewborne, James Marion
Michaux, André
Michaux, François André
Michel, Frantz Ludwig
Micklejohn, George
Middleton, Edwin Lee
Midgett, Erasmus S. "Rasmus"
Midgett, John Allen, Jr.
Midgett, Levene Westcott
Midgett, Little Bannister, IV
Milburn, Frank Pierce
Miller, Alexander Calizance (or Calezance)
Miller, Banner Isom
Miller, Helen Topping
Miller, John Fulenwider
Miller, Julian Sidney
Miller, Oscar Lee
Miller, Robert Johnstone
Miller, Robert Morrison, Jr.
Miller, Smith
Miller, Stephen Franks
Miller, Thomas
Miller, Thomas
Miller, Thomas
Miller, William
Miller, William (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Millis, James Edward
Millis, James Henry
Mills, Columbus
Mills, John Haymes
Mills, Luther Rice
Mills, Quincy Sharpe
Milner, James
Mims, Edwin
Mitchell, Anderson
Mitchell, E.R.: Backyard Barbecue
Mitchell, Elisha
Mitchell, Elisha
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, John W.
Mixon, Forrest Orion
Mizell, Bessie: We are all in this Together
Moffitt, Elvira Worth Jackson Walker
Moir, James
Monk, Archibald
Monk, John Carr
Monk, Thelonious Sphere
Montfort, Joseph
Montgomery, John
Montgomery, Walter Alexander
Montgomery, Walter Alexander
Montgomery, William
Moody, Dennis: Death is no Different
Moody, James Montraville
Moore, Aaron McDuffie
Moore, Alfred
Moore, Bartholomew Figures
Moore, Clifton Leonard
Moore, Dan Killian (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Moore, Enoch William
Moore, Gabriel
Moore, George
Moore, Godwin Cotton
Moore, Hight C
Moore, James
Moore, James Osborne
Moore, Jeanelle Coulter
Moore, John
Moore, John Wheeler
Moore, Joseph
Moore, Louis Toomer
Moore, Maurice
Moore, Maurice, Jr.
Moore, Peter Weddick
Moore, Robert Lee
Moore, Roger
Moore, Roger
Moore, Stephen
Moore, Thomas Longworth
Moore, Thomas Overton
Moore, Walter William
Moore, William Armistead
Moore, William John
Mordecai, Alfred
Mordecai, Ellen Mordecai
Mordecai, George Washington
Mordecai, Jacob
Mordecai, Moses
Mordecai, Samuel Fox II
Mordecai, [Miss] Ellen
Morehead, Eugene Lindsay
Morehead, James Turner
Morehead, James Turner
Morehead, James Turner, Jr.
Morehead, John Lindsay
Morehead, John Motley
Morehead, John Motley (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Morehead, John Motley, II
Morehead, John Motley, III
Morgan, Lucy Calista
Morgan, Mark
Morgan, Perry
Morgan, Samuel Tate
Morris, Arthur Joseph
Morris, Ellwood
Morris, Naomi Elizabeth
Morrison, Alexander
Morrison, Angelia Lawrance (Harris)
Morrison, Cameron (from Research Branch, NC OA&H)
Morrison, Fred Wilson
Morrison, Robert Hall
Morrison, Sara Virginia Ecker Watts
Morson, Hugh
Moseley, Edward
Moseley, William Dunn
Moses, Athenia: Standing Up For The Things We Believed
Moses, Edward Pearson
Moss, Robert Verelle, Jr.
Mott, John James
Mountflorence, James Cole
Mouzon, Edwin DuBose
Mouzon, Henry, Jr.
Mull, Odus (or Otis, Odes) McCoy
Mullen, James Madison
Mumford, George
Mumford, Lawrence Quincy
Munroe, John Peter
Murchison, Claudius Temple
Murchison, David Reid
Murchison, Kenneth McKenzie
Murdoch, Francis Johnstone
Murfree, Hardy
Murfree, William Hardy
Murphey, Archibald DeBow (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)
Murphy, George Moseley
Murphy, James Bumgardner
Murphy, John
Murphy, John Albert
Murphy, Patrick Livingston
Murphy, Spencer
Murphy, Walter (Pete)
Murray, Ike: Things that Last
Murray, James
Murray, William David
Murrow, Edward R.
Murrow, Edward Roscoe
Myers, Albert Gallatin
Myers, William Rayford
Myrover, James Henry (Harry)