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Allen Creekrises in SE Brunswick County and flows NE into McKenzie Pond, which see. It is drained by Lilliput Creek. Named for Eleazer Allen (1692-1750), founder of Lilliput Plantation. Name appears on the MacRae map, 1833. See also Lilliput Creek.
Allen Creekrises in S Catawba County and flows NW into Maiden Creek.
Allen GapN Cherokee County near the head-waters of Allen Branch.
Allen Mountainin S Macon County between Ball Creek and Coweeta Creek.
Allen MountainNE Buncombe County.
Allen's CreekSee Lilliput Creek.
Allen's Crossroadscommunity in SW Johnston County.
Allen's Crossroadscommunity in S Granville County W of Hester Station.
Allen's FallSee Ramseur.
Allendale TownshipSE Hoke County.