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Bell Viewcommunity in S Cherokee County.
Bell'scommunity in NW Pitt County.
Bell's FerrySee Grifton.
Bell's Islanda real-estate development, E Currituck County on Bell Island, which see. The 1967 General Assembly passed an act under which, by a vote of the residents, Bell's Island may be inc. as a town by resolution of the county commissioners.
Bellaircommunity in central Craven County.
Bellamycrossroads community in E Robeson County. Alt. 108. Settled about 1910. Named for John D. Bellamy (1854-1932), counsel for the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. Bellamy station, now abandoned, was 2 mi. s.
Bellamys Lakeabout ¾ mi. long, on Rocky Swamp near its confluence with Fishing Creek, SW Halifax County.
Bellarthurtown in W Pitt County. Settled about 1907. Inc. 1907 as Arthur; named for L. C. Arthur, local landowner and farmer. Name changed to Bellarthur, 1933. Alt. 79.
Bellcollar Gapon the Graham-Swain county line between Little Bald and Cheoah Bald.
Bellemontcommunity in W central Alamance County, est. as a mill village prior to 1900.