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Gale Creekrises in NW Pamlico County and flows SE into Bay River. A part of the Intracoastal Waterway.
Gales Creekrises in W Carteret County and flows S into Bogue Sound. Appears on the Moseley map, 1733. Probably named for Christopher Gale (1680-1734).
Gallaganscommunity in N Madison County.
Gallant Pointa point of land in S Carteret County extending into the mouth of Newport River. Separated from Beaufort by Town Creek.
Gallants Channelin the mouth of Newport River, central Carteret County. Named for John Galland, an early settler, but in pronunciation the d became a t Frontage property of North Carolina Maritime Museum.
GallatinSee Graham.
Gallberry Swamprises on the Cumberland-Robeson county line and flows SE to join Big Marsh Swamp in forming Big Swamp.
Gallowaycommunity in S Transylvania County on Toxaway Creek.
Galloway Creekrises in S Transylvania County and flows SE into French Broad River.
Galloway CreekSee West Prong [Glady Fork].