North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Kaylors KnobSW Burke County.
Kayoo-lantaSee Chimneytop Mountain.
Kays Crossroadscommunity in SE Gates County.
Kayser Junctioncommunity in W Cumberland County.
Kearneycommunity in N Franklin County. Alt. 300. Named in 1894 for Charlie B. Kearney.
Kearney Creekrises in SE Craven County and flows E into Adams Creek.
Keasler Branchrises in central Buncombe County near Craven Gap and flows SE into Bull Creek.
Keeauweean Indian village, appears on the Moseley map, 1733. Site was on the trading path of the Cherokee and Catawba Indians to Virginia on Deep River in present NW Randolph County. See also Caraway Creek.
Keel Creekrises in SE Hertford County and flows S approx. 3 mi. to enter Chowan River at the NE corner of Bertie County.
KeelsvilleSee Congleton.