Primary Source: Falconbridge's Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa |
Primary Source: Federal Writers' Project, "He never wanted land till now" |
Primary Source: First Year at New Garden Boarding School |
Primary Source: Food Adulteration |
Primary Source: Frederick Law Olmstead on Naval Stores in Antebellum North Carolina |
Primary Source: Freed People at New Bern |
Primary Source: Freedmen's Schools the school houses are crowded, and the people are clamorous for more |
Primary Source: Freedom-Seekers and the Great Dismal Swamp |
Primary Source: From the North Carolina Gold-Mine Company |
Primary Source: Furor Over Hinton Helper's Book |
Primary Source: George Moses Horton's "Death of an Old Carriage Horse" |
Primary Source: George Sims' An Address to the People of Granville County |
Primary Source: George White Speaks Out Against Lynchings |
Primary Source: Girls Helping the Cause |
Primary Source: Governor Aycock on "The Negro Problem" |
Primary Source: Governor Bickett's speech to the Deserters of Ashe County |
Primary Source: Governor Holden Speaks Out Against the Ku Klux Klan |
Primary Source: Harry Truman on using the A-Bomb at Hiroshima |
Primary Source: Hedrick's Defense |
Primary Source: Helper's The Impending Crisis of the South |
Primary Source: Henry Grady and the "New South" |
Primary Source: Henry William Harrington Jr.'s Diary |
Primary Source: Herman Husband and "Some grievous oppressions" |
Primary Source: History of Women's Clubs |
Primary Source: Hysteria in Wilmington |
Primary Source: I'm Gwine Home on de Mornin' Train |
Primary Source: Interview with Fountain Hughes |
Primary Source: Interview with William Culp |
Primary Source: Interviews on Rural Electrification |
Primary Source: Iowa Royster on the March into Pennsylvania |
Primary Source: J. Allen Kirk on the 1898 Wilmington Coup |
Primary Source: James Curry Escapes from Slavery |
Primary Source: James Evan's Seasons on a Farm |
Primary Source: James Wall on Serving in the Air Force |
Primary Source: Jane Caroline North's Traveling Diary |
Primary Source: Janet Schaw on American Agriculture |