Map section of Rutherford's Expedition, 1776
Original map. Map key and timeline Rendezvous points Rendezvous near Cathey's Fort Principal rendezvous point at Davidson's Fort Route of Rutherford's Expedition September 1 Rutherford's army departed Davidson's Fort (Old Fort), crossed Swannanoa Gap, and proceeded toward the headwaters of the Swannanoa River. September 3 Crossed the French Broad River at Warrior Ford and followed Hominy Creek westward for nine miles. September 4 Reached the vicinity of present Canton and forded the Pigeon River at confluence of East and West Forks. September 5 Moved southwestward to Richland Creek near present Waynesville. September 8 reached Watauga, village near confluence of Watauga Creek and Little Tennessee River (near present Franklin). September 10 Village of Nikwasi was destroyed; 600 men sent to seek South carolina troops under Andrew Williamson. September 11 Main army moved downstream to Cowee and set up camp. September 14 Main army moved upstream to Nikwasi to await Williamson's forces. September 19 Set up camp at Quanassee, where several Indians were killed, others taken prisoner; horses and cattle confiscated; crops burned. September 26 North Carolina and South Carolina armies rendezvous at Hiwassee. September 27 Armies began homeward trek.
Moore, Mark A. "Rutherford's Expedition, 1776." Map. Rutherford Expedition, 1776 Brochure. North Carolina Office of Archives and History, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
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