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World War I (1914-1918)
World War I (1914-1918)
World War I (1914-1918)
Rockwell, Kiffin
Rockwell, Kiffin Yates
Sheppard, Muriel S. Earley
Submarine Attacks
Swindell, Florence: WWI Women's War Record Collector For The NC Historical Commission
The Electric Cornucopia: Industrial Expansion and Power 1920-2001
The Rural World: North Carolina 1870-1920
Turlington Act
Two World Wars
Van Noppen, Leonard Charles
Wildcat Division
Williams, Isham Rowland
Winecoff, Thomas Edward
World War I- Part 1: Introduction
World War I- Part 2: North Carolina's Response to War and North Carolinians in Combat
World War I- Part 3: Contributions to Victory on the Home Front
World War I: North Carolina in the Great War
Wray, John Dudley
Wright, Charles Calvin
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