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Jasontown in SW Greene County. Inc. 1889, but long inactive in municipal affairs.
Jason TownshipSW Greene County.
Jaspercommunity in central Craven County. Alt. 6. Settled about 1868. Named for local citizen James Spear.
Jasper's CreekSee Bell Bay.
Jasperfield Branchrises in SW Madison County and flows NW into Spring Creek.
Jawbone Branchrises in NW Burke County and flows S into Steels Creek.
Jaynes Covecentral Haywood County on a tributary of Jonathans Creek.
Jean Guite Creekrises on the W side of the S end of the North Banks, NE Dare County, and flows N into Currituck Sound. Also known as Martins Point Creek.
Jeffersontown and county seat, central Ashe County. Inc. 1803 and named for Thomas Jefferson, who was president of the United States at the time. Alt. 2,900. Produces chemicals and textiles.
Jeffersontown authorized to be laid out in Chatham County at Tyson's Mill on Deep River in 1796. Commissioners were appointed, but there is no evidence that the town ever developed. A warehouse was to have been erected in the town for the inspection of tobacco, beef, pork, flour, and other commodities.