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ScuffletonSee Scuffletown.
Scuffletowntown in E Greene County on Little Contentnea Creek served by post office, 1837-42. Also spelled Scuffleton. Inc. 1885, but long inactive in municipal affairs. Settled prior to 1756; served by post office, 1837-42. Name said to be derived from disagreement among members of the local Free Will Baptist church. In recent years generally known as Ridge Spring.
ScuffletownSee Pembroke.
Scull CampSee Skull Camp Mountain.
Scuppernongcommunity in E Washington County. Post office est. 1849, discontinued 1908. Location formerly known as Cool Spring.
Scuppernong LakeSee Lake Phelps.
Scuppernong Riverrises in E Washington County in East Dismal Swamp and flows E into W Tyrrell County, where it turns to flow NW into Albemarle Sound. Appears on the Moseley map, 1733, as Cascoponung River. It appears as Cuscopang River on a 1788 map. Approx. 22 mi. long.
Scuppernong TownshipNW Tyrrell County.
Scuppernong TownshipSE Washington County, formed in 1868 and incorporates within its limits the old voting precinct of Cool Springs.
Sea BanksSee Outer Banks; Shackle ford Banks.